
Changing the Narrative: Building Systems Where Students Know They Matter

Written by David Morales | Jan 4, 2025 10:16:10 PM

🎓 How Proactive Engagement and Institutional Courage Can Transform Onboarding and Supporter Experiences

🖊️ Author: David Morales, CEO & Founding Developer, Visualzen

📍 Featuring Insights From: Dr. Relius Johnson – Director of New Maverick Orientation at The University of Texas at Arlington


🔑 Introduction: Stop Being Comfortable with Being Comfortable

Higher education has long relied on traditions, comfortable processes, and outdated structures to guide student onboarding and engagement. But what if comfort is holding us back?

In my conversation with Dr. Relius Johnson, Director of New Maverick Orientation at The University of Texas at Arlington, we explored how campuses can rethink onboarding, pre-advising, supporter engagement, and even the idea of offboarding to create more intentional, inclusive experiences for students and their families.

The challenge is clear: Stop being comfortable with being comfortable. It’s time to ask hard questions, reimagine what onboarding can look like, and design systems where students know they matter—not just belong.

Let’s break down the insights.


💡 Insight 1: Design Systems Where Students Know They Matter, Not Just Belong

“A sense of belonging puts the responsibility on students to find their place. But creating systems where students know they matter means designing environments that welcome them from day one.”Dr. Relius Johnson

For too long, onboarding has been about helping students “fit in” rather than “feel valued.” When institutions shift their mindset from belonging to mattering, the onboarding experience becomes proactive, intentional, and transformative.

Belonging: Assumes students must adapt to the campus environment.

Mattering: Assumes the institution must adapt to serve the student.


🛠️ One Thing You Can Do Today:

  • Audit your onboarding programs. Ask:
  • Are we proactively welcoming students, or are we expecting them to navigate the system on their own?
  • Are we creating opportunities for students to see themselves reflected in leadership, mentors, and campus culture?

This shift is subtle but powerful. Students shouldn’t have to prove they belong—they should know they matter from day one.


💡 Insight 2: Break Institutional Comfort Zones

“Campuses must stop being comfortable with being comfortable. Change requires asking difficult questions about what works, what doesn’t, and who is being left out.”Dr. Relius Johnson

Comfort can be an institution’s greatest enemy. It’s easy to stick with what’s familiar—legacy systems, outdated onboarding schedules, siloed departments—but comfort often hides inequities and missed opportunities.

Ask the Hard Questions:

  • Why do we do things this way?
  • Who benefits from this structure?
  • Who is being left out?

Adopt a Culture of Reflection:

  • Regularly assess onboarding processes.
  • Be open to feedback from students, families, and frontline staff.


🛠️ One Thing You Can Do Today:

  • Host a “Why Do We Do This?” meeting with your onboarding team.
  • Choose one outdated process and challenge your team to propose a more inclusive, effective alternative.

The goal isn’t change for the sake of change—it’s about creating systems that work for every student, every time.


💡 Insight 3: Proactive Pre-Advising and Early Engagement Can Remove Roadblocks

“Early pre-advising and intentional outreach—through email, text, and call campaigns—can eliminate unnecessary roadblocks before students arrive on campus.”Dr. Relius Johnson

Pre-advising isn’t just an administrative task—it’s a retention tool. Many students face unnecessary barriers before they even set foot on campus: administrative holds, confusion around course registration, or lack of communication about next steps.

Proactive Communication Matters:

  • Start outreach campaigns early in the onboarding cycle.
  • Use multiple communication channels: email, SMS, and phone calls.

Address Barriers Early:

  • Identify common pre-advising roadblocks and create resources to address them proactively.
  • Ensure every student feels prepared before orientation day.


🛠️ One Thing You Can Do Today:

  • Review your pre-advising timeline. Ask:
  • Are we reaching out early enough to address common issues?
  • Are we using communication tools effectively to reduce confusion?

When done right, pre-advising isn’t just a task—it’s an opportunity to build trust before students even step on campus.


🎓 Real Impact: Reimagining Onboarding, One Step at a Time

These insights from Dr. Relius Johnson highlight a clear truth: Onboarding isn’t just about helping students start strong—it’s about creating systems that help them persist and succeed.

Shift from Belonging to Mattering: Build systems where students feel valued from day one.

Challenge Comfort Zones: Ask hard questions and address outdated systems.

Embrace Early Engagement: Use pre-advising and outreach to eliminate roadblocks before they grow into barriers.

When we stop being comfortable with being comfortable, we unlock the potential to build campuses that truly serve every student and supporter.


📢 Conclusion: What Can You Do Today?

1️⃣ Audit Your Onboarding Programs: Are they built to help students adapt, or to help them feel valued?

2️⃣ Ask Hard Questions: Challenge outdated systems and question why processes exist.

3️⃣ Start Early with Pre-Advising: Remove administrative barriers before students arrive.

Small changes, made with intention, can create ripple effects that reshape your entire onboarding experience.


🎥 Want to Learn More?

Watch the full interview with Dr. Relius Johnson on OrientationMatters Season 2, Episode 5: “Changing the Narrative.”


👉 Explore how VZO supports onboarding success:

Let’s turn simple details into powerful outcomes—together.


💬 Have Questions or Want to Learn More?

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